
Idiot box

'Idiot Box' was a side project with photographic artist, Donna Stevens. The series depicted children engrossed in their favourite TV shows and explored the darker side of our love for technology. Is our techno-paranoia warranted? Should we exhibit more caution about the role of technology in our children's lives?

 The series was featured in publications such as CNN, Vanity Fair, GQ, Fox News, Huffington Post, The Daily Mail, Wired Magazine, Buzzfeed, and Fast Company, with a combined readership of over a half a billion people.

Child stares vacantly into the TV in editorial photo series  "Idiot Box" by Paul Meates and Donna Stevens
PR for editorial photo series  "Idiot Box" by Paul Meates and Donna Stevens
PR for editorial photo series  "Idiot Box" by Paul Meates and Donna Stevens